WWE October 2013-December 2013

Hai blogger
Setelah liburan selama hampir 6 bulan penuh saya akhirnya menulis lagi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di WWE selama periode Oktober 2013-Desember 2013
(Hi blogger after take a long rest, i would like to share what's going on to WWE duirng the period of October 2013 up to January 2014

Ini adalah beberapa kejadian penting yang terjadi selama periode tersebut:
(These are events that take place during that period)

1. Cody Rhodes dan Goldust menjadi Tag Team Champion

(Cody Rhodes and Goldust became WWE Tag Team Champion)

Otoritas tertinggi WWE, Triple H memberikan kesempatan terakhir untuk Cody Rhodes beserta keluarga nya untuk tetap berkarier di pentas ini. Dengan catatan harus mengalahkan Seth Rollin dan Roman Reign di pay-per-view perdana WWE BattleGround. Keesokan harinya mereka kembali menang dan meraih title Tag Team.
(The authority gave Cody and his brother the last chance to remain as the employee of WWE, but they have to defeat the tag team champ Seth Rollins and Roman Reign of The Shield at WWE BattleGround pay per view. The day after, once again Cody and Goldust owned the champ and became the new WWE Tag Team Champion) 

2. John Cena pulih dari cidera dan menjadi World Heavyweight Champion

(John Cena comeback after having knee injury and became the World Heavyweight Champion)

Beberapa minggu sebelum SummerSlam Agustus 2013, Cena harus mendapatkan cidera dan diprediksikan harus meninggalkan ring selama 6 bulan. Namun tidak sampai 2 bulan sejak kepergiannya, Sang pemimpin Cenation ini kembali ke arena WWE dan merebut gelar World HeavyWeight dari tangan Alberto Del Rio
(During the SummerSlam week 2013, Cena have to out of the stage due to some knee injuries. Medical team predicted that the Leader of Cenation have to rest at least 6 month. Surprisingly in the Second month since his operation he came back and earned World Heavyweight Champion from Alberto Del Rio)

3. Penyatuan Gelar Kejuaraan

(The unification of WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship)

Dengan Cena yang menjadi World Heavyweight Champion dan Orton yang menjadi WWE Champion membuat WWE bingung untuk memilih siapa yang menjadi wajah dari WWE. Muncul ide bahwa title harus disatukan dan menjadi WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Pada Pay per view Table Ladder and Chair Randy Orton berhasil mengalahkan John Cena.
(With Cena as world champion and Orton as WWE Champ, WWE was confuse to determine their face of the company. Until the COO is decide to unified the title and become WWE World Heavyweight Champion. During the TLC December 2013 Randy Orton defeated Cena and become the WWE World Champ)

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