RAW Result September 2 (Hasil RAW 3 September 2013)

Des Moines - IOWA
The dramatic story between Daniel Bryan the first contender for WWE Champion at Night of Champion against The Game Triple H as the COO of World Wrestling Entertainment continue as the Monday Night RAW on air live from the state of Iowa
(Cerita dramatis antara First Contender untuk WWE Championship Daniel Bryan dan COO dari WWE Triple H berlanjut dan semakin memanas seiring dengan bergulirnya Monday Night RAW dari negara bagian Iowa)

Triple H forced Daniel Bryan to face Big Show

(Triple H memaksa Big Show untuk bertanding melawan Daniel Bryan)

Daniel Bryan open the show by addressing Randy Orton to face him at Night of Champion, but today Bryan must face World Largest Athlete The Big Show
(Daniel Bryan membuka Show dan mengalamatkan pidatonya kepada Orton untuk mengahdapinya di Night of Champion, namun kali ini dia harus melawan The Big Show)
The Miz def. Fandango
(The Miz mengalahkan Fandango)

The Host of Summerslam The Miz locked the leg of Fandango and conquer a victory
(Pembawa acara di SummerSlam The Miz mengunci kaki Fandango dan memperoleh kemenangan)

Ryback def. Dolph Ziggler

(Ryback mengalahkan Dolph Ziggler)

Ryback win over Dolph Ziggler in one on one match
(Ryback menang melawan Ziggler dalam pertandingan 1 lawan 1)

Stephanie McMahon forced Big Show to face Daniel Bryan

(Stephanie McMahon memaksa Big Show untuk menghadapi Daniel Bryan)

Stephanie hug the Big Show and apologize, but yet he still have to face Daniel Bryan that night
(Stephanie memeluk Big Show dan meminta maaf, tapi Big Show tetap harus menghadapi Daniel Bryan)

The Prime Time Players def. 3MB

(Prime Time Player mengalahkan 3MB)

Darren Young and Titus O'neil earn a victory over Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and McIntyre of 3MB
(Darren Young dan Titus berhasil menang atas Slater, Jinder Mahal dan Drew McIntyre dari 3MB)

WWE Champion Randy Orton def. Cody Rhodes

(WWE Champion Randy Orton mengalahkan Cody Rhodes)

Randy Orton success win over his ex bestfriend Cody Rhodes
(Orton berhasil menang atas temannya di Legacy dulu, Cody Rhodes)

Cody Rhodes has been fired by Triple H

(Cody Rhodes dipecat oleh Triple H)

After that match, Triple H shock the WWE Universe by firing Cody Rhodes
(setelah pertandingan, Triple H mengguncang dengan memecat Cody Rhodes)

CM Punk addressed Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel

(CM Punk mengalamatkan perkataannya pada Heyman dan Axel)

CM Punk addressing his speech to Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel, he is medically clear to fight
(CM Punk berpidato menantang Paul Heyman dan Curtis Axel, dia sudah sehat dan siap bertanding)

The Triple Threat Divas Title No. 1 Contender�s Match went to a No Contest

(Triple Threat Divas untuk 1st Contender berakhir tanpa kemenangan)

The 1st Contender Match for Divas Championship end in no contest, at Night of Champion there will be a Fatal 4 Ways
(1st Contender Match buat Divas Championship berakhir tanpa kemenangan, di Night of Champion akan ada Fatal 4 ways untuk Divas Championship)

Rob Van Dam def. Damien Sandow

(Rob Van Dam mengalahkan Damien Sandow)

Mr. Monday Night Rob Van Dam beat Mr. Money in the Bank Damien Sandow
(Mr. Monday Night Rob Van Dam mengalahkan Mr. Money in the Bank Damien Sandow)

Daniel Bryan def. Big Show via Disqualification

(Daniel Bryan mengalahkan Big Show lewat Disqualifikasi)

The Shield interfere and cause a disqualification victory for Daniel Bryan, Big Show been forced to KO Punch Bryan
(Dengan keterlibatan The Shield memberikan kemenangan untuk Daniel Bryan dan Big Show dipaksa untuk meng-KO Punch Bryan)

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