SummerSlam 2013 Result (Hasil SummerSlam 2013)

The 26th annual of SummerSlam located at the Staples Center Los Angeles in the beautiful state of California has done but it still remain some unique stories.. This is the full coverage story of Summerslam 2013
(Summerslam yang ke 26 berlokasi di Staples Center Los Angeles di negara bagian California sudah usai, namun masih menyisakan banyak cerita yang terus berkelanjutan!)

Rob Van Dam def. United States Champion Dean Ambrose via disqualification 

Rob Van Dam earn the victory after Seth Rollins attacked him and declared a disqualification loss for Ambrose
(RVD meraih kemenangan lewat Disqualifikasi setelah Seth Rollins menyerangnya dari belakang) 

Bray Wyatt def. Kane

Bray Wyatt make a fantastic debut on WWE by defeating big red monster Kane
(Bray Wyatt membuat debut fenomenal dengan mengalahkan Kane)
Cody Rhodes def. Damien Sandow

Cody has defeated his ex best friend Damien Sandow in one on one match
(Cody berhasil menang dan balas dendam ke mantan sahabat nya Damien Sandow)
World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio def. Christian

Del Rio still secure his title by defeating Captain Charisma Christian
(Del Rio berhasil mengalahkan Christian dan mengamankan title juaranya)
Natalya def. Brie Bella

Natalya of the Hart Dynasty defeating Brie Bella of Bella Twins
(Natalya berhasil mengalahkan Brie Bella yg anggota The Bella Twins)
Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman def. CM Punk 
CM Punk try to lay his hand on Paul Heyman but he been knocked out by The Beast Brock Lesnar
(CM Punk mencoba memukul Heyman tapi dia mengalamai kekalahan dari Brock Lesnar)

Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn def. Big E Langston & AJ Lee

Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn success defeatig his ex girlfriend AJ Lee and E Langston in a Mix Tag Match
(Dolph Ziggler dan Kaitlyn berhasil mengalahkan AJ Lee dan E Langston di pertandingan Mix Tag Team)
Daniel Bryan def. WWE Champion John Cena

Surprisingly Daniel Bryan win over John Cena and become the WWE Champion, but.....
(Secara mengejutkan Bryan berhasil menang atas John Cena dan menjadi WWE Champion, tapi..)
The Game shocks the world by Pedigreeing the new champion, allowing Orton to cash in his contract and become WWE Champion again.
(Triple H mengguncang dunia dengan Pedigree Bryan dan mengijinkan Orton mencairkan kontraknya dan menjadi WWE Champion lagi)

RAW Result August 12th (HASIL RAW 12 Agustus 2013)

SACRAMENTO, California
Summerslam is just 5 days away, are you ready guys? and this is the last RAW before SummerSlam
Summerslam tinggal 5 hari, apakah anda siap? dan inilah RAW terakhir sebelum Summerslam

Wade Barrett def. Daniel Bryan

(Wade Barrett mengalahkan Daniel Bryan)
Wade Barrett success revenge his last loss from Bryan last friday night on SmackDown by controversial pin of Maddox
(Wade Barrett berhasil membalas dendam ke Bryan atas SmackDown sabtu kemarin lewat pin kontroversial Maddox)

Randy Orton def. Damien Sandow

(Randy Orton mengalahkan Damien Sandow)
Randy Orton win over Damien Sandow on Mr. Money vs Mr. Money match
(Randy Orton menang atas Sandow di pertandingan sesama Mr. Money in the bank)

The Great Khali & Natalya def. Divas Champion AJ Lee & Big E Langston

(Great Khali & Natalya mengalahkan AJ Lee & Big E Langston)
Mix Tag team match ended by the victory of Natalya and The Great Khali
(Pertandingan mix tag team berakhir dengan kemenangan Natalya dan The Great Khali)

Mr. McMahon named the special guest referee for the WWE Title Match at SummerSlam

(Mr. McMahon menunjuk Wasti tamu untuk pertandingan John Cena vs Daniel Bryan di SummerSlam)
Finally The Game Triple H become the special guest referee on SummerSlam this Sunday
(Akhirnya Triple H dipilih sebagai wasit tamu di SummerSlam Minggu ini)

Kane def. Titus O�Neil

(Kane mengalahkan Titus O'Neil)
Kane defeat Titus O'Neil and be ready to face Brat Wyatt
(Kane mengalahkan Titus O'Neil dan siap menghadapi Brat Wyatt)

World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio def. Kofi Kingston

(Alberto Del Rio mengalahkan Kofi Kingston)
Alberto Del Rio win over the high flying superstar Kofi Kingston
(Alberto Del Rio berhasil memenangkan pertandingan atas Kofi Kingston)

The Usos def. The Real Americans

(The Usos mengalahkan The Real Americans)
The Usos also success conquer victory over The Real Americans
(Jimmy and Jey Usos menang atas Real Americans Cesaro dan Swagger)

WWE Champion John Cena and Daniel Bryan appeared on �Miz TV�

(John Cena dan Bryan tampil di acara MIZ TV)
Miz be the host in his own TV programme and call Cena&Bryan to argue each other
(The Miz yang juga host dari acaranya sendiri memanggil Cena dan Bryan untuk berdebat di atas ring)

Fandango vs. R-Truth turned into a dance-off

(Fandango vs R-Truth di battle dance)
Battle Dance between Fandango and R-Truth ended in no contest match
(Battle dance antar Fandango dan R-Truth berakhir tanpa pertengkarang)

Rob Van Dam won a Battle Royal to become No. 1 contender to the U.S. Title

(RVD memenangi Battle Royal dan menjadi 1st Contender untuk US Championship)
RAW GM set 20 persons battle royal to determine the 1st Contender for US Championship
(GM RAW mengatur 20 orang battle royal untuk menentukan 1st Contender US Championship)
In the last minute RVD success eliminated Mark Henry and be ready to face Dean Ambrose this Sunday
(di menit terakhir RVD sukses mengeliminasi Mark Henry dan bersiap menghadapi Dean Ambrose Minggu ini)

CM Punk surprised Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar

(CM Punk memberikan kejutan untuk Paul Heyman dan Brock Lesnar)
CM Punk address Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman and be ready for their match this SummerSlam
(CM Punk menantang Lesnar dan Heyman juga bersiap untuk pertandingan mereka Minggu ini)

RAW Result August 5th (Hasil Lengkap RAW 5 Agustus 2013)

From the state of Wisconsin, RAW rose live and amazed so many people around the world this past Monday Night
(dari negara bagian Wisconsin, RAW live dan menghibur jutaan pasang mata di seluruh dunia kemarin Selasa pagi WIB)

Mr. McMahon attempted to give Daniel Bryan his corporate makeover

(Mr. McMahon memberikan Daniel Bryan makeover sebelum menjadi 1st Contender WWE Championship)

Daniel Bryan been forced to shave his beard to the modest superstar Wade Barrett
(Daniel Bryan dipaksa memangkas janggutnya kepada Superstar ter-trendy Wade Barrett)

Rob Van Dam def. World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio

(Rob Van Dam mengalahkan Juara kelas berat Alberto Del Rio)
One more time Alberto Del Rio had to lose a match with Rob Van Dam
(Sekali lagi Alberto Del Rio dipaksa mengalami kekalahan kepada Rob Van Dam)

Mark Henry def. Ryback via Count-out

(Mark Henry mengalahkan Ryback lewat Count-out)
WrestleMania 29 rematch between Henry & Ryback ended when Ryback refuse to continue the match
(Rematch WrestleMania terjadi dan berakhir  setelah Ryback menolak melanjutkan pertandingan)

Luke Harper & Erick Rowan def. Tons of Funk

(Luke Harper & Erick Rowan mengalahkan Tons of Funk)
The Rampage of Wyatt Family continues and the next victim was The Tons of Funk
(Kebrutalan Wyatt Family berlanjut dan korban kali ini adalah Tim Tons of Funk Brodus Clay & Tensai)

Layla def. Kaitlyn

(Layla mengalahkan Kaitlyn)
British born Divas Layla conquer a victory over her best friend Kaitlyn
(Diva asal Inggris, Layla berhasil mengalahkan Kaityln yang juga sahabatnya)

Christian def. Heath Slater

(Christian mengalahkan Heath Slater)
1st Contender of World Championship title Christian reign victory over Heath Slater of 3MB
(1st contender untuk Juara Dunia kelas berat Christian mengalahkan Heath Slater dari 3MB)

CM Punk vs. Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel went to a No Contest

(CM Punk vs Curtis Axel berakhir dengan tidak ada pertandingan, Brock Lesnar datang dan menyerang CM Punk)
CM Punk try to lock Axel but it goes out when Brock Lesnar is showing up
(CM Punk mencoba mengunci kaki Axel namun gagal setelah Brock Lesnar datang)
Lesnar hit Punk with a steel chair and addresssing his intention to tear him apart on SummerSlam
(Lesnar memukulkan kursi besi dan mengisyaratkan pembantaian kepada Punk di SummerSlam)

Kofi Kingston def. Fandango

(Kofi Kingston mengalahkan Fandango)
Koffi Kingston reign his comeback gift by pinned Fandango
(Koffi Kingston mendapat hadiah selamat datang kembali setelah mengalahkan Fandango)

The Real Americans def. The Usos

(The Real Americans mengalahkan The Usos)
The Real Americans and Zeb Colter celebrate their victory upon The Usos
(The Real Americans dan Zeb Colter merayakan kemenangannya atas The Usos)

Big E Langston def. Dolph Ziggler

(Big E Langston mengalahkan Dolph Ziggler)
Big E Langston success pin his own buddies Dolph Ziggler
(Big E Langston sukses mengalahkan mantan temannya Dolph Ziggler)

WWE Champion John Cena, Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton def. U.S. & WWE Tag Team Champions The Shield via Disqualification

(John Cena, Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton mengalahkan The Shield lewat Disqualification)
All of The Shield member attacked Bryan whose lock his teammate Seth Rollins and giving a victory to their opponent
(Semua anggota The Shield menyerang Bryan yang mengunci Seth Rollins dan memberikan mereka kekalahan secara Disqualifikasi)
After the match over, Randy Orton send his RKO to Daniel Bryan and John Cena and make their friendship gotten worse
(Setelah laga usai, RKO dilayangkan kepada Bryan dan Cena dan membuat hubungan mereka memburuk)